Covington Community Park Star Gaze
Type: Star Party
Held on: Mar 28, 2025 (Fri) at 09:00 PM to Mar 29, 2025 (Sat) at 12:00 AM
Sunset Times:
- Official at 07:32 PM
- Civil at 08:03 PM
- Nautical at 08:39 PM
- Astronomical at 09:18 PM
Lunar Phase:
Location: 17649 SE 240th St, Covington, WA 98042
Event Coordinator: Steve Case
Note: Astronomy Orientation Class starts at 6pm across the street at the Acquatics Center then back over to the soccer field at 8pm for stargazing.
This public "Star Gaze" event is authorized by the city of Covington, Parks & Recreation Department and is free of charge.
Wear warm clothes, bring a comfy chair, blanket, something hot to drink, and binoculars if you have them.
Experienced astronomer volunteers from the Seattle Astronomical Society (SAS) bring their telescopes and binoculars to share with the public. Everyone is welcome including families with children.
Check the SAS website < > frequently for star gazing event status. If weather conditions force cancellation of an event, that news will be posted not later that 4PM the day of the event.
More Information
Monthly "Skymaps" for identifying celestial targets and constellations along with a vast number of stargazing tools and publications can be found on website < >
More astronomy information on identifying monthly and seasonal celestial targets, training materials and observing challenges can be found on "Astronomical League" website < >
Globe at Night educational challenge materials on "dark sky preservation identifying light pollution can be found on website <>
Paramount School Park Star gaze coordinator is Steve Case.
Other Star Party Events
Previous Star Party
Duvall Stargaze
Fri at 06:30 PMOpen to PublicThis public star gaze event is authorized by the city of Duvall, Parks & Recreation Department and is free of charge. Experienced astronomer volunteers from the Seattle Astronomical Society (SAS) bring their telescopes and binoculars to share with the public. Everyone is welcome including families with children. Feel free to bring your own telescope or binoculars, Dress warm, bring a chair, blanket, and a hot thermos of coffee or hot chocolate. For those setting up telescopes the ... more
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