Dinner and Planetarium Show at Bellevue College - Monthly General Meeting
Type: General Meetings
Keywords: Planetarium Milky Way Solar System Stars
Held on: Jun 21, 2023 (Wed) at 06:00 PM to Jun 21, 2023 (Wed) at 09:00 PM
Speaker: Pat Terhune-Inverso
Location: 3000 Landerholm Cir SE, Bellevue, WA 98007
Event Coordinator: Keith Krumm
Pat Terhune-Inverso, Senior Adjunct Professor, has graciously offered a private tour of the planetarium to SAS. (See more on Pat below).
She will discuss the planetrium and her approach to teaching astronomy at the college level. We will also see the professionally produced full planetarium movie "STARS" which tells the story of how stars are born, how they die and how our understanding has changed over time.
Dinner will be at 6pm at the college, near the planetarium, prior to our planetarium visit. Please note, we moved the time up to 6pm to accommodate this special event.
Pat has worked in planetariums for over 40 years. She started out as a student volunteer at the Willard Geer Planetarium at Bellevue College, then worked at the Pacific Science Center planetarium as the first planetarium specialist. Since then, she’s owned and operated her own traveling planetarium business as well as worked at the UW planetarium. Now she is back where it all started at Bellevue College teaching 5-credit astronomy courses that use the planetarium almost daily to illustrate astronomical concepts from a different perspective than what students get reading a textbook.
Questions? activities@seattleastro.org
There are no notes for this event.
over 1 year
Dinner and Planetarium Show at Bellevue College - Monthly General Meeting starts soon! —
Dinner and Planetarium Show at Bellevue College - Monthly General Meeting starts shortly on Jun 21 (Wed) at 06:00 PM.
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