Lucy: The First Mission to the Trojan Asteroids
Online Public
Type: General Meetings
Keywords: Lucy Jupiter Trojans Asteroids
Held on: Sep 28, 2022 (Wed) at 07:00 PM to Sep 28, 2022 (Wed) at 08:30 PM
Online Location: Please sign in to see online meeting location.
Speaker: Keith Krumm
Location: Physics/Astronomy Auditorium (PAA), Room A102, Seattle, Washington
Event Coordinator: Rayna C.T. Bauer
In-Person at UW PAA A102 (Physics/Astronomy Auditorium) AND hybrid via Zoom
Time capsules from the birth of our Solar System more than 4 billion years ago, Trojan asteroids orbit the Sun in two loose groups, with one group leading ahead of Jupiter in its path, the other trailing behind. Clustered around the two Lagrange points equidistant from the Sun and Jupiter, the Trojans are stabilized by the Sun and its largest planet in a gravitational balancing act. These primitive bodies hold vital clues to deciphering the history of the solar system.
Lucy will be the first space mission to study the Trojans.
More Information
As always, our monthly general meetings are open to both SAS members and the public. We hope to see you online and/or in-person soon!
Members log in for link, public please email for link.
over 2 years
Lucy: The First Mission to the Trojan Asteroids starts soon! —
Lucy: The First Mission to the Trojan Asteroids starts shortly on Sep 28 (Wed) at 07:00 PM.
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4 attending