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Celestron NexStar Evolution 6 (#1)


Keywords: Schmidt Cassegrain Visual

Note  This item is being serviced and it is not available for check out.

Six Inch GoTo Schmidt-Cass Telescope (SCT)

Contact the Equipment Manager to borrow this telescope

This telescope is a premium model 6 inch NexStar telescope. The loaner kit includes eyepieces, a "Red Dot"  finderscope for initial alignment, and a  good quality 1.25” star diagonal.

The Planetary Imaging Kit works well with this scope..Contact the Equipment Manager (equipment@seattleastro.com)  if you whish to borrow this 6 SE telescope and the Planetary Imaging Kit at the same time.


The Celestron NexStar Evolution 6 is a microprocessor controlled GoTo telescope. The SkyAlign alignment procedure is simple and only requires the user to point the telescope to any three bright stars.   Once aligned, the "GoTo" mode provides automatic slewing to a selected object. The telescope can be controlled using a traditional hand held controller, or it can be operated using a smart phone or tablet connected to the NexStar Evolution’s built-in WiFi network. The built-in  rechargeable battery will operate the telescope for up to 10 hours on a single charge. Ergonomic handles help with setup. Manual clutches in both altitude and azimuth offer flexibility to manually point the telescope when powered off. The 6-inch NexStar Evolution tracking accuracy is accurate enough to get started in astroimaging by attaching your DSLR camera.

Optical Design Schmidt-Cassegrain with StarBright XLT coatings
Aperture (mm) 150 mm
Focal Length 1500 mm
Focal Ratio 10
Finderscope StarPointer (red dot)
Star Diagonal 1.25"
Secondary Mirror Obstruction 55.88 mm (2.2") (37% of the aperture)
Optical Tube Length 16"
Tripod Stainless steel
Power Requirements Internal battery included with USB charging port
Max Slew Speed 4°/ second
Tracking Rates Sidereal, Lunar, Solar
Alignment Procedures SkyAlign, 3-Star Align, Solar System Align
Communication Ports 1 hand control and 3 aux ports for optional accessories
Evo App Database Over 120,000 including 220 of the best deep sky and solar system objects


The descriprion and the photo are obtained from the Celestron website.  More information about this telescope can be found at http://www.celestron.com/products/nexstar-evolution-6 .

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