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Orion StarMax 127 EQ


Keywords: Maksutov Visual

Currently there are 3 requests to borrow this.

5 Inch Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope with Equatorial Mount.

The StarMax 127 telescope has a long focal length and is ideal for observation of the moon, planets, and double stars, and the 127 mm aperature is large enough for nice views of brighter deep sky objects. The equatorial mount makes it easier to track the moon and planets at high magnification, but can be confusing for beginners.


The StarMax 127 telescope is a Maksutov-Cassegrain design that folds a long focal length into a relatively short and easy to handle optical tube. The long focal length (1540mm) makes it easy to reach high magnification for observation of the moon and planets. The 127 mm aperature is large enough for nice views of brighter deep sky objects.  The kit includes an equatorial mount with manual slow-motion controls.

Note: An equatorial mount must be set up properly and can be confusing to beginners, For visual use, it is sufficient to aim the polar axis of the mount approximately toward the north star.  

  • Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope with a 127 mm aperture and 1540 mm focal length
  • Equatorial mount with manual slow-motion controls (no motor drive or computer)
  • User level: Beginner to Advanced
  • Good for viewing the moon and planets, as well brighter deep sky objects
  • Sirius Plossl 25 mm 1.25” eyepiece gives 62x magnification and a 0.8 field of view
    • Use this eyepiece for finding 
  • Celestron Plossl 12.5 mm 1.25” eyepiece gives 123x magnification
    • This eyepiece provides a near optimum magnification for high power viewing of planets, the moon, and smaller deep sky objects.
  • 90-degree mirror diagonal
  • Soft case for the compact optical tube
  • Weight, fully assembled: 36.2 lbs


Requests to Borrow

There are 3 other members with requests to borrow this equipment.