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Meade ETX-125 (#1)


Keywords: Maksutov Visual

Currently there are 1 requests to borrow this.

5 Inch (127 mm) Maksutov-Cassegrain GoTo Telescope


The Meade ETX-125EC is a Maksutov-Cassegrain design that folds a long focal length (1900mm) into a relatively short optical tube. The optics are excellent and the Autostar computer provides GoTo operation. It can be pointed manually using the hand controller if you wish to avoid the Autostar setup procedure.

Note: The Meade ETX-125EC is an older scope and isn't as easy to use as many of today's scopes. It's mount lacks stability and users have reported that the telescope tends to bounce when touched, making it difficult to focus at high magnification,. That said, it has excellent optics and will provide good viewing if you are patient..  



Meade ETX-125EC Specifications

  • 127 mm (5") aperture Maksutov-Cassegrain optics, 1900 mm focal length.  Optical quality is excellent. this telescope is ideal for lunar and planetary observing, and the 125 mm aperature is large enough for nice views of brighter deep sky objects.
  • 40 mm Eyepiece provides 48x magnification and a 0.8 Degree Field of View
    • This eyepiece gives the widest field of view and is the best one to use for finding objects
  • 26 mm Eyepiece provides 73x magnification and a 0.7 Degree Field of View
    • This eyepiece will give nice views of the entire moon and large deep sky objects
  • 9 mm Eyepiece provides 211x and a 0.6 mm exit pupil
    • This eyepiece gives the maximum recommended magnification under perfect conditions
  • Powered by a small external Li rechargeable battery
  • AutoStar hand controller with large object library provides Go-To operation (Note that this AutoStar computer is an older generation and is not as easy to use as current generation GoTo systems, but it does work)
  • Field tripod.


Note: This telescope was recently serviced by Bob Mulford, an SAS member.  Here are his notes on the telescope:

This Meade ETX-125EC is not as easy to use as many of today's scopes. The ETX series was introduced in 1996 and the electronics, at least on the older model like this one, are not nearly as sophisticated as modern offerings.  The alignment requires several steps including leveling the mount, leveling the scope, and finding north. I did this alignment process reasonably carefully, but also used some shortcuts that I think beginners might. While the GoTo system pointing was always close, it was not always close enough to put the sought object, including alignment stars, in the field of view. I had to use the handpad controls to move the telescope slightly until I found the target object. Also, the the field of view at the lowest magnification (48x) is less than one degree, and therefore this telescope needs to be rather precisely pointed in order to acquire an object for viewing. Still, I was able to use it effectively.

Requests to Borrow

There are 1 other members with requests to borrow this equipment.