Moderator: Alan Spurgeon Alan Spurgeon

Sirius Astronomy


Sirius Astronomy is a BIPOC and multiracial community for SAS and the general public. If you identify as BIPOC or multiracial we hope you can join in sometime and help nurture this new community!

We hope to have 1-2 events a quarter ranging from general space discussions, outreach, fun gatherings, stargazing opportunities, and whatever ideas people want to share.

Please check in on our events and please email us at for more info or for finding ways to get involved! Please keep up to date on events by following our instagram.

More Information

Sirius aims to spread the passion, beauty, and joy of Astronomy to the BIPOC community. We hope to build community with one another, build relationships with BIPOC leaders in astronomy, and ultimately provide outreach to BIPOC communities in our region.

Our tenets are:

1) Intention - to attract BIPOC community members of all ages through inspiring events that nurture a fun and safe space

2) Education - in the form of lectures, stargazing, and outreach with diverse communities


Why so Sirius?

Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, has been known by some as the rainbow star, as it often flickers with many shades of color. The colors truly shine when you spot Sirius low on the horizon.

Recent Sirius Astronomy Events

  • Previous Sirius Astronomy

  • JUL

    Zombies in the Night: Massive Dead Galaxies in the Early Universe

    Wed at 06:30 PM
    Open to Public

    **Open to ALL - BIPOC & multiracial focused** What makes a galaxy dead, and how do they die in the first place? Join us as we learn about the latest results on massive, dead galaxies in the early cosmos, and why they are so mind-boggling - even for the experts. At the end of the talk, we'll take a journey back to Earth to learn about how adjusting our concepts of "good mentorship" can better help underrepresented women and gender minorities thrive in STEM space. Light refreshments ... more

    7 months ago

    Zombies in the Night: Massive Dead Galaxies in the Early Universe starts soon!

    Zombies in the Night: Massive Dead Galaxies in the Early Universe starts shortly on Jul 31 (Wed) at 06:30 PM.

    0 attending
  • None Planned Presently

    No future events for this activity are yet planned. Check back soon!