SAS Activities
Matt Dahl
Astrophotography SIG
This group explores all types of digital cameras and astrophotography, including capturing star trails, starscapes, constellations, the moon, planets, and deep sky objects.
Alan Spurgeon
Get your tickets for the 2024 Awards Banquet!
Come join us at our new venue, the Burke Museum. Our guest speaker is Casey Dreier, Chief of Space Policy at the Planetary Society. Casey will talk about our place under the Sun.
The theme this year is NASA's Heliophysics Big Year.
Ticket prices are $75 for members and $95 for guests. this year we will have VIP tickets and you can also reserve a entire table.
For members needing financial assistance please contact Jenn at
Read more HERE.
Visual Observing
Visual Observation of the Night Sky.
One of the primary activities of amateur astronomers is visual observation of the night sky and the vast assortment of objects it contains. One can participate in this activity using the unaided eye or by using telescopes and binoculars of varying sizes and designs.
SAS Workshops are held periodically at Theodore Jacobsen Observatory (TJO) on the UW Campus. Workshops are designed to help you become more acquainted with amateur astronomy and help you meet other SAS members. Free parking is available on campus after 12:00 noon on weekends but the parking lots near TJO may be crowded. A good alternative is lot N16 on the east side of campus below Padelford Hall. Refreshments will be set up by 30 minutes before the meeting, so arrive early, have a cookie, and get to know us.
Astrophotography Contest
Each quarter the Seattle Astronomical Society highlights an especially wonderful photo submitted by one of our members.
Each photo is displayed on the SAS Facebook page, where votes are submitted by simply "Like"ing the photo. Voting is open to both members and the public. The entry with the most votes/likes by the deadline will be our Facebook and Twitter cover photos for the whole season, as well as permanently memorialized here on the SAS webpage. Send any questions (or your entry - preferably in .jpg format) to our Astrophotography Contest Coordinator, Richard Gruver, at
Alan Spurgeon
New Members Orientation
New member orientation meetings are held two or three times a year to welcome new and prospective members to the club. This is an opportunity to meet other society members, to learn about the basics of visual observing and selecting equipment, and to find out more about the activities of the Seattle Astronomical Society.
No signup is necessary. If you have questions, please email Alan Spurgeon at
Alan Spurgeon
SAS Discussion Forum
SAS Discussion Forum, a Google group and SAS discussion forum, is a great place to find and interact not only with other SAS members. To join this discussion group, click on the link above, and you will be taken to the registration page. Once the Forum moderator has verified your SAS membership then you will be given access to the discussion forum.
Wendy Froggatt
How To Volunteer
The official mission of the SAS includes outreach as one of the main efforts of the organization. The goal of outreach is to share the observational, educational, and social aspects of amateur astronomy with the greater community.
There are many opportunities available members who would like to volunteer, such as virtual talks with schools and scout troops, and support at star parties.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please email or mark your interest below. We would love to have you on the team!
Alan Spurgeon
Sirius Astronomy
Sirius Astronomy is a BIPOC and multiracial community for SAS and the general public. If you identify as BIPOC or multiracial we hope you can join in sometime and help nurture this new community!
We hope to have 1-2 events a quarter ranging from general space discussions, outreach, fun gatherings, stargazing opportunities, and whatever ideas people want to share.
Please check in on our events and please email us at for more info or for finding ways to get involved! Please keep up to date on events by following our instagram.